Thursday, November 28, 2019
A Swot Analysis On British Airways Tourism Essay Essay Example
A Swot Analysis On British Airways Tourism Essay Essay Example A Swot Analysis On British Airways Tourism Essay Essay A Swot Analysis On British Airways Tourism Essay Essay British Airways is one of the largest air hoses in Europe and is the national bearer of UK. The major hubs of the air hose are London Gatwick and London Heathrow. The beginnings of the company travel back to the 1920s. In 1924 four of Britain s chief air hoses Handley Page Transport, In rock Air Line, British Air Marine Navigation Ltd. and Daimler Airways came together to organize the Imperial Airways. On the other manus there were a figure of little air hose companies in the state that merged to organize the British Airways Ltd. This was subsequently merged with the Imperial Airways that resulted in the formation of the British Overseas Airways Corporation ( BOAC ) . In 1972 BOAC merged with BEA to organize the British Airways.A A A The denationalization of the British Air passages happened in 1987. It acquired British Caledonian in 1988. The air hose was chiefly a Boeing client for several old ages before exchanging over to airbus aircrafts in 1998. In 2008 the subordinate of the company, Open Skies was opened to profit from the relaxation of the transatlantic traffic rights. There would be non-stop flights between the US and the European metropoliss. It is expected that it would get down from July 2008. A In the 1990s the company had the maximal net incomes among all the air hoses of the universe. The company bought Delta Air Transport in 1992 and changed the name to Deutsche BA. In 1995 the company introduced a new subordinate, British Asia Airways to link Taipei with London. The late 1890ss were disruptive for the company. Stiff competition, hiking in the oil monetary values did non let the company makes good net incomes. In 1999 the company reported the worst downward slide in its net incomes since the company was privatized. In 2005 the company headed by Willie Walsh decided to travel for major alterations in the direction of the company to cut costs and salvage money. A British Airways has a big Boeing fleet but it besides operated other aircrafts. There were British made aircrafts that were taken from BOAC and BEA. During the 1980s the BA purchased Lockheed Tristan. The company has besides acquired Airbus A320 every bit good as McDonnell Douglas DC-10 when it bought British Caledonian Airways. A British Air passages at the clip of its formation had a preponderantly UK built fleet of aircraft. There was the debut of the Boeing 757 every bit good as the Boeing 737 during the 1980s. There were besides the Boeing 747-400, Boeing 777 and Boeing 767 that were introduced in the 1990s. The company has fitted most of the Boeing aircrafts that it had with Rolls Royce engines. The frequent circular plan of British Airways is called the executive nine. There are three sorts of rank that are available with the nine: Ag, blue and gold. There is besides the prime plan of the British Airways that offers more benefits than the executive nine. SWOT Analysis British Airways is one of the largest service industries that good managed the operation with an interesting coaction with the technological inventions. The purpose of the organisation is to increase the figure of clients through presenting the quality of service and satisfaction. Albeit bothered with the challenges in the nature of their concern, the air passage is still committed to function in a really ideal manner for safety travel. SWOT Analysis on British Airways A A A A A A A A A A A A British Airways is engaged in air services operations both in international and domestic airfreight. It provides assorted services runing in commercial flights service for riders around the Earth, lading cargo and mail services and other subsidiary services. British Airways chiefly runs its concern in Europe and in United States. Located in Harmondsworth, Middlesex, it employs 42, 755 people in all its sections. A A A A A A A A A A A British Airways facilitates flight reserve and booking utilizing the on-line cyberspace services in which clients can easy entree. Trying to look competitory and keep its unity as one of the best air hoses which emphasizes quality client services, BA strives to make high-end terminus installations and other services affecting comfy of clients while onboard. BA reaches out to 570 in approximately 134 states. Such magnitude of operations offers clients with assortment of finishs with world-class services that cater clients runing from adventurers to executives. Strength aÃâ ? It is one of the best company in air hoses. aÃâ ? Ambition to be no. 1 air hose in the universe. aÃâ ? Innovated. Failing aÃâ ? Competitive capablenesss. aÃâ ? Intangible assets. aÃâ ? Controversy Opportunity aÃâ ? Economic conditions aÃâ ? Expectations of stakeholders aÃâ ? Technology Menaces aÃâ ? Clangs aÃâ ? Technical jobs aÃâ ? Changes in market Strengths The strength of the air hoses bring in the perfect services in new fleet, and the best aircraft s purchased to supply the comfy going experience of travelers. This move made to oppose the province of travel and complains which they receive by the old fleet used by British air passage. The degree of British Airways operation is astonishing and, British Airways get an advantage on his rivals by to supplying the wider assortment of services to clients in comparing to the other rival air hoses such as virgin Atlanta air passages have a effect of operations15 times lesser than the British Airways is a great assortment of paths flatters this great magnitude of operations these factors makes the services of BA more easy to nearing client in UK and around the universe. The basic strength of the British Airways ( BA ) that served the full organisation for old ages is to present an equal solution for travelers in a most safety and hearty manner ( Chan, 2000 ) . Aside from the usage of assorted marketing schemes on the global web, the air hose selling and service are performed by most of the females. Prior to the equal labour for both genders, it is considered as the strength of the organisation for most of the females are trained to talk in assorted idioms. It is an advantage for the air passages to suit assorted races and at the same clip, perpetrate itself to present the equal rights in footings of labour ( Whitelegg, 2002 ) . Failings The global selling reply of the British Airways is wholly prioritising most of the demands of the clients. But in their scheme in a low cost-ticket can be hazardous in a long tally of the concern. Offering the low monetary values for tickets may non look harmful in the concern but decidedly, if the concern has greater outgo over the grosss, there will see drastic losingss ( Binggeli and Pompeo, 2002 ) . The creative activity of the low-priced bearers can weaken the services of some countries because the allotted budget will non fulfill the proposed usage of service ( Berry, Carnall, and Spiller, 2006 ) . It was exposed that company has a regulation of non let grownup male riders to siting following to the alone kids, even if the parents of that kid are someplace else on the plane. It led to the allegation of sex favoritism. British Airways come across contention. Association of European Airlines declare that the British Airways lost the more passenger baggage s in 2006 and 2007 as compared to other major European air hoses. The norm of lost luggage s is 46 % for 1000 riders carried, they lost 23 bags. Opportunity The organisation s thought about pull offing the people first is a enormous chance for their employees. The leaders can make a section wherein most of the people can concentrate on the assorted selling schemes such as publicities to heighten the fight of the organisation in the industry ( Gowler, Ledge, and Clegg, 1993 ) . Another chance that the organisation may happen is their advantage in the usage of the quality engineerings. Through the advanced ways of the direction, the organisation can trust on their information systems wherein the strategic selling and related plants can be performed. Through the usage of the Internet, the clients can see the efficiency in on-line engagement and can ease the uninterrupted growing of the organisation. British air passages have the concern category merchandise named Club Europe, and they offered on all short flights. At most of airdromes riders can utilize the concern sofas and are acquire served a breakfast in the forenoons flights or complete breakfast on ulterior flights ( jambon, salami etc. ) and if the flight subsequently in the twenty-four hours clip they served afternoon tea. Club Europe has form of 2+3 on 5 instead than 6 seats, but in first category and 2nd category they have a mini place in center. The aircraft can be adjust in 3+3pattern in order to do the aircraft to the full economic system. Menaces The chief menace for any air hose is clangs, climatic conditions, terrorist act and diminution in ticket gross revenues due to recession and proficient job in the aircrafts. Menace from the terrorists attacks many air hoses stop their flights to some states, such as British Airways halt flight to specific states such as Middle East and the chief states occupied with terrorist activities and have fright of their planes can be attack by them. Other major part of the British Airways menace is the increased competition among the air hose industry. Through the different competitions, there is a huge option for the clients and most of them choose the best monetary value and service that is fit on their budgets. Through the development of the different geographic expeditions, there is a position for the amalgamation and acquisitions ( Culpan, 2002 ) . The confederation in the air hoses is popular in which the schemes are bind together and the exclusive action of the organisation is limited. STRATEGIC OPTIONS In order to remain with the competition and to maintain the clients interested, they undertake batch of publicity activities. BA jointly organizes big figure of publicities with the other companies functioning the similar mark customers.BA gets in touch with riders, mark trueness nine members. Resource Based View ( RBV ) It is suggested that an administrations competitory advantage and superior public presentation is resulted from its typical capablenesss ( Johnson et al. , 2008 p95 ) . The resource based position foregrounding BA s resources and competences is outlined below. Resources Competences Threshold capablenesss Threshold Resources Tangible aÃâ ? Fleet of 245 aircraft accessing over 550 finishs ( British Airways, 2008 ) . aÃâ ? Additional services ( e.g. BA Holidays A ; The London Eye Company ( Datamonitor, 2008 ) ) . Intangible aÃâ ? International Customer Database. aÃâ ? Partnerships A ; Alliances with one universe ( incl. American Airlines ) , codeshare/franchise spouses, and subordinates. Threshold Competences aÃâ ? Training of land school, flight simulators, and cabin safety preparation ( BAFT, 2009 ) . aÃâ ? Economies of Scale from ongoing providers. aÃâ ? Ability to wing and pull off riders safely on assorted paths ( Davies, 2000 ) . Advantage capablenesss for competitory Unique Resources Tangible aÃâ ? Sole entree to LHR s Terminal 5 ( BBC News, 2008 ) . Intangible aÃâ ? Reputable trade name image. BA is recognised globally as a reputable trade name, reinforced by its long- standing being within the industry. Core Competences aÃâ ? Open Skies subordinate s aircraft neer have more than 64 riders per flight, with one attender per 12 clients ( British Airways, 2008 ) . aÃâ ? First UK air hose recognised as a developing Centre by the City A ; Guilds, measure uping all cabin crew with NVQ Degree 2 ( British Airways, 2008 ) . An debut to the program and to the company.This would include the A?overview of the company, its background, company type, size, turnover, construction and mark markets.A? Porter s Five Force of the British Air passages Competitive competition As the survey of the industry competition originating from the competitions among bing houses in the first force. In the planetary confederation industry British air passages provide Boeing and lading services and they have rivals like Lufthansa air hoses, Swiss airways, Virgin Atlanta, Delta, FedEx, and DHL. At same cost BA is supplying the more quality services than the other air hoses. New entrants Merchandises within the industry were greatly differentiated, with changing grades of quality, convenience, client service, and differences in the ambiance. New entryway will be low in the international confederation sector. The strongest presence of Lufthansa and American air hoses will be the chief rivals for the BA. British air passages are besides a celebrated air hose like others but for new entrants it will take old ages to be popular in confederation sector. A amalgamation program opens by British Airways and Iberia Airlines. In their amalgamation understanding the air hoses and their trade names names are similar to KLM and Air France. Substitute Open Skies, is the new air hose started and flies from Paris and Amsterdam to New York is the subordinate of British air passages British Airways World Cargo, is besides subordinate of the BA emmet it is the universe s twelfth-largest lading air hose based on entire freight ton-kilometers flown. BA City Flyer is a subordinate with Avro RJ aircraft in Edinburgh, but they runing chiefly from London City Airport. Buyers British Airways offers perfect services for riders going in the premium cabins and riders with position. Alliance industry has a batch of competition in the air hose sector, so the monetary value of the tickets alterations twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours to pull the more clients. The clients of the air hoses are largely concern or tourers. BA purpose is countered by foreign bearers such as Emirates, who fly direct from UK provincial airdromes to Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc and it has being successful. Suppliers Before the Heathrow airdrome British Airways purchase accoutrements and equipment slots from other air hoses companies including United Airlines, body mass index, Brussels Airlines, GB Airways and Swiss International Air Lines, and now they have their owns about 40 % of slots at Heathrow. The chief PEST factors that have influenced confederations are: Political. Politically, air hoses have to work within some are runing limitations. The benefits of the join confederation industry that will be near an unapproachable path. This has a monopoly that each national bearer ties in with slots, in their place metropoliss. The air hose industry acquire two sided understandings this is another political benefit for industry, which all member can use. Political environment concern about the function of authorities and its effects on the company. Economic. Europe capacity in exceeds demand, which leads to rate wars, bing lower give manner for companies increase the addition. Economically, they can cut down the competition and increase the manner to derive by lead industry to command on capacity. Airline menus are non split when the industry cut down the airdrome enlargement by codification sharing air hoses, but they offer services and enter in markets, they might afford to make on their ain. The less aircraft at airdromes, hence less infinite being required for aircrafts on airdrome, and this is the other technique to derive right to utilize premier airdromes, which can non increase further. Simmons, K Lewis, J Barrett 2000. Social. Cost can be reduced by using merely air hose s staff, air hose in confederations or codifications portion from employer staffing point of position these are strong. The demand and gustatory sensation which summarized by the societal environment and fluctuate market tendency and non refundable income, and alterations happens in market, both chances and menaces for peculiar confederation company can be provided once more. Technological. In this fast traveling industry engineering is of import and really expensive. The engineering which is usage in aircrafts is made by really few companies for illustration ( Rolls Royce ) makes the engines and other accoutrements for aircrafts. For purchase new engineerings it will necessitate support and perchance employees has to be trained before the equipments used by them. Recommendation British Airways is one of the best air hose in confederation industry with its new engineerings and good services. The company is able to pull more clients by supplying them some more services. They should hold more of the client service and trueness plans. The company should supply price reductions for their corporate clients. The company should acquire in touch with their clients when they have some promotional offers. Decision British Airways remains carefully optimistic about its hereafter chances. However, it is certain that well more work lies in front if the air hose is to win. The FSAS program incorporated by BA resulted in considerable cost nest eggs, and divestments besides raised financess to pay off debt. The end of the FSAS program was to accomplish a 10 % runing border and therefore more recent cost cuts and occupation loses have been made by Willie Walsh order to carry through this. In air travel, a great trade of success or failure depends on external factors, with BA enduring severely in the wake of the 2001 and 2005 terrorist onslaughts, , the war in Iraq and the planetary economic lag. However, the individual most of import external factor is the monetary value of fuel. Fuel monetary values are go oning to turn and this is likely to both erode net incomes and raise monetary values for BA. Rising monetary values could put BA in a disadvantageous place, peculiarly given the continued populari ty of budget air hoses. This is an of import factor for Willie Walsh to see. Walsh must understand that the cardinal growing country for BA is likely to be in value-added travel. In some countries, BA found that it could better clients experience while cut downing costs, such as in its edifice up of on-line gross revenues. Other value-added services are likely to see mid-priced flights being upgraded, as air travel continues to go more competitory. Overall, BA, through Walsh, must go on to endeavor to cut down costs and better client and employee satisfaction.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Agamemnons Clytemnestra Essays - Greek Mythology, Clytemnestra
Agamemnon's Clytemnestra Essays - Greek Mythology, Clytemnestra Agamemnon's Clytemnestra Analysis of Clytemnestra's Character in Agamemnon In Aeschylus' tragedy Agamemnon the character of Clytemnestra is portrayed as strong willed woman. This characteristic is not necessarily typical of women of her time. As a result, the reader must take a deeper look into the understanding of Clytemnestra. In Agamemnon she dominates the action. Her most important characteristic is like the watchman calls it, male strength of heart. She is a strong woman, and her strength is evident on many occasions is the play. Later in the play after Clytemnestra murders her husband, Agamemnon, and his concubine, Cassandra, she reveals her driving force and was has spurned all of her actions until this point. Clytemnestra is seen by the Elders of Argos (the Chorus) as untrustworthy and although suspicious of her they still could not foresee the impending murders. Her words are plain but her meaning hidden to all those around her. She more or less alludes to her plan of murder without fear of being detected. Only the audience can seem to understand the double meaning in her words. One example of how Clytemnestra hides meanings in otherwise plain words is stated in her hope that Agamemnon and his soldiers do not commit any sacrilege in Troy that might offend the gods. Now must they pay due respect to the gods that inhabit the town, the gods of the conquered land, or their victory may end in their own destruction after all. Too soon for their safety, the soldiery, seized with greed, may yield to their covetousness and lay hands on forbidden spoil. They have still to bring themselves home, have still the backward arm of the double course to make. And if no sin against heaven rest on the returning host, there is the wrong of the dead that watches. Evil may find accomplishment, although it fall not at once. This can be interpreted in two ways. The first being that her wish for Agamemnon to return safely is so she may kill him herself. The second, is that of sarcasm. Perhaps she really does wish for Agamemnon to upset the gods. That way when she murders him she will divine sanction. Another instance that there is a double meaning in her words is in her pleadings to the herald to take this message back to Agamemnon, let him come with speed to the people that love him, come to find in his home the wife faithful, even such as he left her, a very house-dog, loyal to one and an enemy to his foes The audience knows this to be untrue because not only has she not been faithful, but the person she was unfaithful with is the rival to Agamemnon's crown, his cousin Aegisthus. The Chorus' distrust in her is shown by their comment to the herald in which they are trying to explain her boastful and yet sarcastic attitude, She speaks thus to teach you; to those who clearly can discern, her words are hypocrisy. Time and again in the play her strength is demonstrated when she forces Agamemnon, Aegisthus, and the Elders of Argos to bend to her will. For example, she influences the Elders to sacrifice to the gods for Agamemnon's safe return and temporarily wins their trust and support. In fact they sing her praises for suggesting it by saying, Lady, no man could speak more kindly wisdom than you. For my part, after the sure proof heard from you, my purpose is now to give our thanks to the gods, who have wrought a return in full for all the pains. Her shrewdness is also shown by the way she coaxes her husband into submission. She wants him to walk on rich purple tapestries in hopes that this would anger the gods and they will aid her in his murder. She does so by challenging his manhood like in the statement, Then let not blame of men make you ashamed. In which she is basically calling him a chicken. He gives in and takes off his sandals and walks on the tapestries even though he fears it may n ot please the gods. She single-handedly plots the murder of Agamemnon and Cassandra. When she is
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial Crisis of 2008 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial Crisis of 2008 - Research Paper Example Effects of economic recession or financial crisis are usually witnessed in employment, industrial production and in real estate income (Magdoff and Bellamy 41). The technical economic indicator associated with recession is economic growth which is negative which in quarters is two consecutive when measured by a nationââ¬â¢s GDP (Gross Domestic product). The 2008 financial crisis affected all financial institutions in the world. The financial crisis endangered the total collapse of financial bodies, the reduction in stock markets all over the world, world government tried to apply bailouts to financial institutions but still it had little effect. In certain areas such as housing was badly affected in that it led to foreclosures, evictions and unemployment among many people. In addition, the financial crisis was responsible for the collapse or failure of major business, decrease in consumer wealth and recession in economic activities all over the world resulting to the 2008 financia l crisis and leading to European debt problems or crisis. The financial crisis in the US was sparked by the housing bubble that influenced the values of securities in US associated with housing prices to destruction of financial bodies in the world. Further, the 2008 financial crisis was activated by intricate interplay of government laws that motivated home ownership offering them cheap interests on house loans. In October 2008, questions emerged regarding the issue of bank solvency, downturn in availability of credit to citizens and the destroyed investors confidence which had a negative influence on the world stock markets especially in the US and Europe where securities experienced massive losses in 2008. During this time, global trade decreased as availability of credit tightened. The US government reacted to this phenomenon with fiscal stimulus packages for financial institutions, monetary laws expansion, and bailouts (Magdoff and Bellamy 72). The US financial crisis left many shocked because it severely affected their lives. The crisis ended in late 2008 and the beginning of 2009 in the US when the congress enacted the recovery and reinvestment Act of 2009. After viewing the two movies, ââ¬Å"Too Big to Failââ¬â¢ and the ââ¬Å"Margin Callâ⬠it is clear that the US financial crisis began in the housing industry specifically in the mortgage market known as subprime, which spread to prime mortgage, and other types of debts that mortgage firms in the US faced. The movie ââ¬Å"Too Big to Failâ⬠clearly shows the real events that took place in that the US banks and other financial institutions counted losses as high as third of the total financial or bank capital. The films shows that the crisis caused to sharp decrease in bank lending that resulted in severe downturn in the economy of the United States of America. Between August 2008 and October 2008, the subprime borrowers in the US have affected the availability of credit and decreased the repayment of loans. Subprime loans are risky because they are likely to suffer from default than loans offered to prime borrowers. Therefore, if a borrower makes timely repayment of his or her loan, the lender may claim the control of the property. In August 2008, the value of subprime mortgage borrowers stood at over $ 1 trillion with the total of over $ 7 million outstanding mortgage balance. This eventually led to the increase in lending of loans to subprime borrowers with the perception that the prices of houses will continue to increase with time. Further, this act was aided by the increase of non-bank autonomous mortgages, which regardless of their smaller share in the market contributed a lot to the housing indus
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The UK has two legal professionals, solicitors and barristers. should Essay
The UK has two legal professionals, solicitors and barristers. should the professions be fused - Essay Example As perceived by the general public solicitors spend their time sitting in an office surrounded by legal tomes, whereas barristers lead a rather more active life. However there times when a barrister can act without being asked to do so by a solicitor, as so on such occasions does his own office work, as when for instance he is instructed by barristers in employment, when acting for patent agents or when instructed by Officers of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. (The Bar Council, undated). At the same time solicitors can, under certain conditions, represent clients in court. Should this practise of differentiation between these two ways of being a British continue or should the two professions become united and act as one? Discussion There are always those who want change and those who will always prefer the status quo. In 1990 the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 (Act)2 became legislation. Thurman ( 1993) described this as a monumental change. The aim was to give the public of the United Kingdom a greater choice of legal practitioners. The act, a controversial one, especially among lawyers, gave not only suitably qualified solicitors , but also nonlawyer members of other occupations. There are a number of other important changes such permission being given for the establishment of multi-disciplinary law practices which could nonlawyer members. Even international legal firms were allowed using lawyers from other lands. The Lord Chancellor stated that the aim of the bill was ââ¬Å"ensuring that ... a market providing legal services operates freely and efficiently ....â⬠Green Paper, supra note 10, à § 1.1 as quoted by Thurman .( page 4) If solicitors are allowed to represent clients in the magistrates court why can they not do so in other courts? Firstly many would not wish to do so. They may have an excellent knowledge of the law , but would not want to be seen on a public stage, which to some extent is what a high court is. S econdly a solicitorââ¬â¢s company may have a wide variety of clients with an equally wide variety of legal needs. They will have a wide knowledge of the barristers available and their particular abilities and specialties ââ¬â there may be those for instance who specialize in commercial law or be excited by criminal practice. Also many cases are heard in London or other large cities, whereas the magistrates courts are much more local for the majority, as well as dealing with by far the bulk of cases, 95% according to HM Courts and Tribunal Services ( 2009). Only when a case is considered to require a sentence exceeding 6 months in duration are cases passed on to the higher courts. Even then much of the work leading up to the actual court case is done by the solicitor, the barrister taking over for the actual higher court appearance. Another point is that advocacy is only a small proportion of the work undertaken by solicitors according to UK Law Online 1998 which describes how much more time is spent on other tasks:- Litigation is only a small part of the work of the solicitorââ¬â¢s profession as a whole. Most are involved in commercial work relating to business eg dealing with commercial transactions, corporate matters, land, share and other property dealings. There is also a large amount of private client work which does not involve any litigation (if all goes to plan!) such as the conveyancing of houses, making wills, advising on tax matters:- Apart
Monday, November 18, 2019
Fourwinds Marina case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fourwinds Marina case study - Assignment Example In terms of strengths, the Four Winds Marina has a lot of previous business experience. It is also catering to loyal domestic clients who frequent it on a regular basis. With charges of 21 to 33 dollars per night, the marina is also quite affordable for the majority of citizens. The Four Winds also has extensive grounds and numerous amenities which make it possible for improvements to be made, signaling a potentially high rate of growth. In regards to weaknesses, the Four Winds Marina has not been experiencing peak performance in spite of the hiring of an assortment of general managers. The general manager of the Four Winds could also be a liability if he is completely unable to fully understand all the operations that are required in order for improvements to be realized more technical operations. Keltner is already saddled with responsibilities, as it stands more technical operations. He may need to speak with his boss, Taggart, about the possibility of hiring other skilled and acc omplished assistants who will leave him free to make decisions in what he feels comfortable with, while leaving the other, more technical operations, to his more accomplished junior assistants. This will also ensure that the general manager does not grow too tired with his responsibilities. Sandy has also not invested in more research and development operations that may be necessary to remain relevant. In terms of opportunities, there are numerous developments that the marina is looking to effect.
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Personal Ethics Reflection
A Personal Ethics Reflection It appears that my ethical framework may be somewhat eclectic. Nonetheless, having happened to read the articles on Deontology and Utilitarianism (Kay, 1997; Deontological Ethics, 2008), I have come to the conclusion that my ethical framework largely revolves around the duty aspect of Deontology. Up to this point, I was unable to put a name to my ethical beliefs/value system. I knew for sure though that my values were strongly based on my experiences as a Christian. I strongly believe that rules are meant to be kept-not broken as is the commonly heard expression. For me, life consists of a set of rules and duties-typical of a Deontologist. . I believe strongly that ones duty is strongly stipulated by Christ; for example, the Great Commission, and the living a righteous life that is pleasing to God. Here is an example: recently I was to complete some readings for one of my courses but I was unable to do all the readings as I had previously made plans to attend a function at church. Wh en I attended the class, I considered the possibility of being questioned directly about one of the articles that I had not read. Knowing that lying was not an option, I would have (as is my moral duty) had to tell my lecturer that I had been unable to complete that particular reading. Had my moral principles revolved largely around Utilitarianism and Consequentialism, I would have told a lie because it would have prevented me from being suspended from the seminar which would have affected my attendance percentage Thus at the end of the day, my ethical principles are incorporated with the whole idea of the Trinity residing in me. Now one may argue that it would be different if I had a family member who was a homosexual or committed homosexual acts. I concur, it would be different. In fact, I would be more emotionally and spiritually invested which would be the precursor to more intense prayer and fasting for that loved one. My Bible points me to the availing power of the effectual and fervent prayer of the righteous (James 5 verse 16). Therefore, based on the fact that I would hate to see my loved one sent to hell, I would be on my knees praying for that persons deliverance. As I noted before, there is a mixture of duties and consequence. I have my Christian duties that if not fulfilled have great consequences for my soul. Additionally, I have as a new man in Christ an understanding of Gods specific commands, so it does not matter who the person is; that is, there is no agent-relativity. Within my ethical framework, I think my primary ethical principle revolves around the concept of Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Within this principle, some of the rules that I subscribe to relate to a passage of Biblical scripture that require Christians to avoid judging and condemning others whilst ensuring that they are merciful and forgiving (St. Luke 6 verse 36-37, King James Version). The idea of avoiding judgement and condemnation does not imply that one is to accept or encourage an act that is not of God. The Bible gives specific guidelines as to what activities are condoned and prohibited. Thus, it is my duty to uphold the Christian laws and bring the Word to a non-Christian (St. Matthew 28 verse 18-20). Therefore, the principle regarding judgement and condemnation does not conflict with the stance I took with homosexuality (Romans 1 verse 24-32; 2 Corinthians 6 verse 8; 2 Thessalonians 3 verse 6). I will give a further example of the principle regarding judgement and condemnation. I have recently found myself in a quandary whilst interacting with persons who are not Christians. The most recent example was whilst interacting with a lecturer in class about Professor Stephen Hawkings most recent theory on the creation of the universe. My lecturer became instantaneously excited once Professor Hawkings name was mentioned. In fact, he proceeded to declare how awesome Professor Hawking was in his ability to explain the creation of the universe without acknowledging the presence of a supernatural force. Of course I thought this was absolute blasphemy and pitied my lecturer for what appeared to be atheism and his sure eternal damnation. It was not until after the class that I was sent back to my principle and rules about judging others. I was reminded that it is not my duty to decide on my lecturers fate though I am required to be a witness. In my estimation, ethics is a convoluted concept that requires much emotional, spiritual and cognitive investment. I also believe that the formation of my ethical principles has gone through and will go through several revolutions. The revolutions I forsee involve a strengthening of my present beliefs. Of course, it is expected that future exposure will likely hone the way in which I presently express my beliefs and so I will possibly become more tactful whilst voicing my principles. My ethical principles have been formed due to life experiences. When I was much younger, my principles were probably more a function of fearing the belt (consequences) versus what was my inherent DUTY. With age, emotional, cognitive and spiritual maturity, I have progressed from a more concretized way of accepting principles. The Bible speaks to allowing God to reveal Himself to us (1 Corinthians 2 verse 9-14; Life Application Study Bible, 1991) and in questioning certain things ranging from the presence and development of God to the importance of Gods grace; the Lord has proven Himself to me as a being who is worthy of my praise. Thus, I believe the fundamental framework, principles and rules that I subscribe to will remain with me until death. I also recognize that my beliefs and values transcend all areas of my life. Thus, whereas some persons subscribe to the law of the land as the highest form of power; the laws of my creator supersede all others. Therefore, within my professional and personal life, the Trinity reigns supreme and will continue to influence the way in which I define my ethics. Second Timothy 4 verse 16-17 notes ALL scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (Life Application Study Bible, 1991).
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Off The Cuff (Improvisation) :: essays research papers
Off the Cuff Do people always know what to say next? To use actions never thought of ahead of time? To carry on a conversation when the person talking to you throws out a question way off base, and yourself, the person receiving the question, doesnââ¬â¢t know what to say? Welcome to the world of Improvisation. We all know how these questions make us feel, using improvisation is just the fancy term used. A theatrical skill used in comedies, dramas, and mostly in small time theatre groups (The Groundlings). Improvisation, the ability to compose, to make, recite, invent, or arrange offhand. Some points of view in a theatre perspective are a look ahead on train of thought, actions with movement, and where exactly is this going, (the ultimate meaning). à à à à à When people talk in conversations, they usually think of what they are going to say, a category, or subject. A look ahead, or train of thought is always a skill. Improvisation is also included in a scene or conversation that what ever comes out of the mouth at a steady pace and make some sort of sense. In many comical theatre groups today, they use improvisation by using the audiencesââ¬â¢ thoughts or suggestions. So now the actors or actresses have to make up a scene using not their own thoughts, but the audiences, and make sense. à à à à à An action with movement is another term of Improvisation used in theatre. To use movement makes the point or thought the person is trying to get across a lot clearer. Actions that have no meaning with the conversation may confuse some people. For example, if someone is in a business meeting is talking a respective manner while at the same time is performing the act of skiing down a hill, the person seeing and hearing this would be confused. The action he/she would want to use is legs crossed, hands folded, and looking into the persons eyes while talking. No dialog can still move a conversation or theatrical scene. It all depends on how it is done. à à à à à Where is this going? The thought usually pops up in an individualââ¬â¢s head at one time. To have an ultimate meaning is another important manner in improvisation. To think of dialog is a skill many people do not have. In crowds, or groups, some people have to talk from note cards or a letter with an outline. Others can talk all day without those because they have the use of their brain that outputs dialog that makes sense with the conversation.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mid-Term Break Essay
ââ¬ËMid-term Breakââ¬â¢ was written in 1966 by Seamus Heaney. This poem is autobiographical as it was written about a real event of Heaneyââ¬â¢s life. It is about him and his family grieving from the death of his four year old brother. When the tragedy struck he was only fourteen. This poem focuses on how people reacted to the death. The title of this poem is unusual as a mid-term break is normally thought of as a break off school that has been planned beforehand but in the poem it is unexpected. I feel that Heaney is very honest when he writes about how people reacted to the death of his brother. The poem is set into eight stanzas, the first seven contain three lines and the last only contains one. The first stanza is set in the sick bay of what we think is his boarding school. Heaney was waiting on his neighbours to pick him up and take him home. We wonder why he was sitting in a sick bay and not at home with his family. Heaney seemed bored of waiting: ââ¬Å"I sat all morningâ⬠¦ counting bells knelling classes to a close.â⬠This phrase ââ¬Ëcounting bellsââ¬â¢ suggests that time was passing by slowly. The word ââ¬Ëallââ¬â¢ is emphasised as if he is really bored and canââ¬â¢t wait to leave the sick bay. The quote also includes alliteration on the letter ââ¬Ëlââ¬â¢ showing the long chiming of the bells. The connotations of the word ââ¬Ëknellingââ¬â¢ are it reminds us of funerals and church bells which also suggest something not so nice has happened. Throughout the stanza we wonder what he is waiting for and why the neighbours are picking him up and not his parents, which suggests that something has happened to them which leaves us with an uneasy feeling. The second stanza is set outside the family home on the front porch. When Heaney arrives home he meets his father crying which is unusual for him as his father normally took ââ¬Ëfunerals in his stride.ââ¬â¢ Heaney also meets ââ¬ËBig Jim Evansââ¬â¢ who is suggested to be a family friend or a farm worker. ââ¬ËBig Jim Evansââ¬â¢ makes a tactless comment by saying ââ¬Ëit was a hard blow.ââ¬â¢ On first reading you donââ¬â¢t realise how awkward the situation would be for Heaney after the tactless comment was made. Some people may react very harshly to the comment as it is a very upsetting time for families and friends,à although we only realise the full extent of this gate at the end of the poem. The next three stanzas are set in the living room with many grieving family members and friends paying their respects. These stanzas are joined by enjambment as the poem carries on after each stanza without full stops. As Heaney entered the living room his youngest sibling ââ¬Ëcooed and laughed and rocked the pramââ¬â¢ in excitement, an activity that seemed out of place for such a sad event. He was also embarrassed by the older men shaking his hand as he walked through the door. He felt very awkward as it was an unusual thing to happen to him. The old me were telling him how sorry they were for his trouble. Strangers where being informed that he was the eldest, away at school. Heaney noticed that they were whispering which would have meant the situation would have been awkward for him. Heaneyââ¬â¢s mother took his hand in hers which wasnââ¬â¢t only to comfort him but to comfort her as well. As she held his hand she ââ¬Ëcoughed out angry tearless sighs.ââ¬â¢ She was probably very distressed and angry, not only at herself but also the driver who had hit her son. At ten oââ¬â¢clock the ambulance arrived with his brotherââ¬â¢s body. In the poem Heaney refers to his brotherââ¬â¢s body as ââ¬Ëthe corpseââ¬â¢ which sounds very impersonal and a strange word to use describing a family member. I think Heaney wasnââ¬â¢t allowing himself to believe it was his brother. The body arrived ââ¬Ëstanched and bandaged by the nurses.ââ¬â¢ The next two stanzas are set the next morning upstairs in the bedroom. Throughout these two stanzas Heaney uses personal pronouns but before he had spoken about his brother as another body. Heaney sits alone next to his brotherââ¬â¢s body. These two stanzas have a feel of a calm and soft atmosphere which contrasts with the first five stanzas. The first five stanzas have a more awkward, tense and sad atmosphere. In the room the unusual feeling is gone. The metaphor used at the start of stanza seven, ââ¬Ëwearing a poppy bruiseââ¬â¢ reminds us of death and unhappy times. The bruise placed upon his left temple, was probably the same size, shape and colour as a poppy. Heaney uses the word ââ¬Ëwearingââ¬â¢ to describe his brotherââ¬â¢s bruise. By using this word it makes it sound as if it was just there and could be taken off, not something that was permanent and part of his brother. Heaney described his brother as if he was lying in his cot not a coffin. By doing this it conveysà the feeling that he is just asleep, all well and peaceful a bit like a baby. He looks normal as he had ââ¬Ëno gaudy scarsââ¬â¢ on his body. We find out that Heaney hadnââ¬â¢t seen his brother for six weeks and seeing his brother just lying there with no expression of happiness at his arrival must has made him feel angry and extremely sad but still he never shows any personal emotions in the way he writes. The last line of stanza seven is where we find out what happened to the little bot. Heaneyââ¬â¢s younger brother had been hit by a ââ¬Ëbumperââ¬â¢-part of a car-which had ââ¬Ëknocked him clearââ¬â¢ hence the lack of horrible cuts and scars. As the boy lay In his coffin he was ââ¬Ësoothedââ¬â¢ by snowdrops and candles which helped to calm and create a peaceful environment for grieving family members. The last stanza of the poem is structured with only one line making it standout and seem important. This stanza is very emotional not just for the family but also for the reader as you find out exactly how old the younger brother was when he was hit by the car. Heaney uses the word ââ¬Ëboxââ¬â¢ which sounds more homely, less threatening, not so much like a coffin. A box makes it sound very small unlike a coffin which is normally quite big. The alliteration on the letter ââ¬Ëfââ¬â¢ in the last line helps Heaney emphasise the age of the little boy. The last line is placed on its own separated from the rest just like the little boy removed from the world alone by death: ââ¬ËA four foot box, a foot for every year.ââ¬â¢ The simplicity of the poemââ¬â¢s structure emphasises the emotions that were carried out throughout the poem. During the poem you get the feeling that Heaney is grieving for his younger brother by holding back his emotions because it would be too painful and uncomfortable for him to express it openly. In the first few stanzas Heaney tries to distance himself from everyone and the fact that his brother has passed away by using the word ââ¬Ëcorpse.ââ¬â¢ Heaney uses emotionless statements in his first few stanzas which to me shows that he had emotions but was trying really hard not to show them. I have enjoyed reading ââ¬ËMid-term Breakââ¬â¢ even though it is an emotional poem as it has given me a lot to think about. I have thought about Heaney must have felt knowing he wasnââ¬â¢t going to see his brother again. This poem was very interesting and emotional even though Heaney at times, tries toà hold back his emotions and it is interesting to see how people coped in their own different ways with the death.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Difference between judicial ac essays
Difference between judicial ac essays Difference between Judicial activism and Judicial restraint Our American judiciary branch of the federal government has contributed and molded our American beliefs in this great nation. This branch of government is respected because of the code of conduct that the judges, no matter how conservative or liberal. The language of the court as well as the uniform of the cloaks that judges wear has most probably contributed towards this widespread respect. Throughout the history of the United States, I noticed a pattern of cause and effect that our judiciary branch had practiced. I noticed that the judicial branch usually restrain themselves from involving in critical civil policy, but will be active when the time comes when the general public, in which the case is decided, feels a change is needed. We have enough evidence to see how our judicial branch should act. Should the judicial branch be more active towards shaping American policy or restrain as long as possible before being forced to act upon very critical civil policies? Judicial activism is the view that the Supreme Court should be an active and creative partner with the legislative and executive branches in shaping government policy (Wasserman American Politics 138). The believers of this philosophical view of how our judicial branch should be suggest that the Supreme Court more active and participate in molding the policies of American society. It can be argued that during the end of the Civil War and the Separate but Equal era, in cases such as the Brown v. Board of Education, Baker v. Carr, Missouri ex. Rel. Gaines v. Canada, and Sweatt v. Painter. The more recent, Bush v. Gore case is a fine example of judicial activism. Judicial Restraint, on the other hand, is the idea that the Court should not impose its views on other branches of the government or the states unless there is a clear violation of the Constitution (Wasserman American Po...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The 15 Easiest Scholarships to Apply For
The 15 Easiest Scholarships to Apply For SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Scholarships are awesome resources if youââ¬â¢re checking out different ways to payfor college. Itââ¬â¢s free money after all- whatââ¬â¢s not to love? As it turns out, most scholarship programs have application processes that arenââ¬â¢t exactly lovable. Students generally have to submit a lot ofinformation about themselves: transcripts, GPAs, test scores, resumes, community service activities, and so on. There might even be a few essays and grade requirements thrown in as well. You donââ¬â¢t want to complain- because, again, free money- but these applications sure are tedious when youââ¬â¢re working on college apps, high school courses, and financial aid applications all at the same time. The following easy scholarships have application processes that are a bit more manageable. Some ask you to write short essays, while othersdonââ¬â¢t require any essays at all! The awards might not be as large as some other scholarships out there, but when the application process is so easy, you really donââ¬â¢t have much to lose. I'll start off with some words of warning before getting into the good stuff:essay and no-essay scholarships that are so easy to apply for, you might end up applying to all of them! Caveat: If a Scholarship Seems Too Good to Be True ... Unfortunately, there aren't too many legitimate "easy" scholarships out there. If a scholarship application sounds too good to be true, be cautious- you don't want to fall victim to a scholarship scam! Here are some things to look out for: A scholarship application that asks for personal information that isn't relevant to the award:Many top scholarship programs ask for personal information (transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, and even financial information for need-based scholarships); however, this info is all relevant to candidate evaluation. If you're ever uncomfortable providing personal info for a scholarship program, dig deeper. Can you verify that the program is legitimate? Does it have its own website, or can you only find info about it through a third party? Try Googling "[award name] scam" to see whether anything suspicious pops up. A scholarship that asks you to make payments to enter or win: Scholarship programs are in the business of giving money to students, not taking it. A scholarship program is likely just a scam if the application asks you to make a payment- especially if it asks you to enter credit card information. Now that we've got that out of the way, it's time to get to the good stuff: all the best easy essay and non-essay scholarships and how to win them! These essays won't take you long at all, but they're a good excuse to set up at your favorite cafe. Essay Scholarships The scholarships in this section ask students to submit short essays with their applications. Even though you'll have to write an essay, the rest of the application (and the essay itself) should be easy and manageable for all these awards.In fact, most of these applications shouldn'ttake longer than one to two hours to complete. Bachus Schanker LLC Scholarship This scholarship program is a bit different from most of the other awards included in this post- it's funded by a private law firm in Colorado. Students compete for a $2,000 award by writing a short essay (800 words) about the 7th amendment and how it affects their lives. Eligibility: High school students who have been accepted to a four-year university and university students with a minimum 3.0 GPA Deadline: November 30, 2019 (to win a scholarship for the spring semester), and July 30, 2020 (to win a scholarship for the fall semester) Courage to Grow Scholarship This $500 award is given out to one lucky student every month. To compete for the award, applicants must explain in 250 words why they think they deserve the scholarship. Eligibility:US high school juniors and seniors and college students with a minimum 2.5 GPA Deadline:Last day ofevery month! Odenza Marketing Group Scholarship To compete for this$500 award, applicants must like the Odenza Facebook page and write two short essays of about 500 words each. One essay must be related to travel and your career, and the othermust explain why you should receive the scholarship. Eligibility: Current high school students aged 16-25or students who have at least one year of college remaining. Applicants must also have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Deadline September 30, 2019 Scholarships The website gives out several $1,000 scholarships throughout the year to US students enrolled in (or planning on enrolling by next fall in) college, university, or trade school. Each of these scholarships involves writing a short (250 words, maximum) essay about the topic at hand. Students are eligible to win up to two scholarships. Emoji Scholarship: Write about what emoji best describes your life and why. Deadline is August 31, 2019. Back to School Scholarship: Write about what you would do if you could go back to high school for one day. Deadline is September 30, 2019. Halloween Costume Scholarship: Write about your favorite Halloween costume that either you or your pet has worn. Deadline is October 31, 2019. Thanksgiving Scholarship: Write about the weirdest thing you were ever served at a Thanksgiving dinner. Deadline is November 30, 2019. Holiday Celebration Scholarship: Write about your favorite way to celebrate the holidays with people you love. Deadline is December 31, 2019. Some of these applicationswon't take you longer than a few minutes. No-Essay Scholarships When it comes to easy applications, you can't get much easier than the following scholarship programs. You'll still have to submit some information about yourself (and, in some instances, complete some brief activities or tasks), but you won't have to write any essays to qualify. AFSA High School Scholarship Here'sone of those scholarships for which you have to complete a few unique activities to qualify. For the 2017 scholarship, students applied byreading about automatic fire sprinkler systems and then taking an eight-question quiz based on the information they read. Ten$2,000 awards are given out each year. Eligibility: Current high school seniors (US citizens or legal residents) Deadline: Likely early April, 2020 Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway Students can qualify to win $2,500, $20,000, or even $100,000 in tuition money by writing a short description of how they plan to change the world and recording a video explaining their academic and professional goals. Eligibility: All students aged 18-24 Deadline: Mid-October 2019 Nicholas A. Virgilio Memorial Haiku and Senryu Competition This scholarship program gives out relatively small awards of $50, but the application process is fun and easy. Students qualify by simply writing and submitting up to three original haikus. Eligibility: All students in grades 7-12 Deadline:March 2020 "No Essay" College Scholarship This $2,000 award is given out monthly. To apply for this scholarship, submit an application that includes basicidentifying information, your GPA, and your SAT/ACT scores. Winners are randomly selected, and you can submit a new application every month. Eligibility: High school students, adults heading back to school, current college students, and anyone else looking to attend college or graduate school within the next year Deadline:Last day ofevery month! Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest Do you have a creative side and an eye for fashion? Students can compete for the grand prize of $10,000(one each for the dress and tux categories)by designing and wearing prom outfits made out of duct tape. Check out the website for fun pictures of past winners! Eight $100 prizes are given to runners-up. Applicants can enter as individuals or as part of a couple. Submissions that get the most votes win prizes, so be sure to recruit your friends to vote for you! Eligibility: High school students in the US and Canada (excluding certain states and territories- refer to the official rules for details) Deadline: April-June 2020 for submissions; July 2020 for voting US Bank Student Union Scholarship Three$5,000awards, one $10,000 award, and one $20,000 award are available through this scholarship program. To qualify, studentssubmit a simpleapplication; you may also earn extra entries by completing up to eight online learning modules on financial literacy. Eligibility: Current US undergraduate students Deadline: October 25, 2019 11:59PM Central Time Because College is Expensive Scholarship This $500 scholarship is awarded to one student four times a year (March, June, September, and December). All you need to do to enter to win the scholarship is to fill out the form on the Cedar Lending website. Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors; current college students; anyone else looking to attend college or grad school Deadline: March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st, 11:59 PM EST Save an average of $1000 per semester with our smart college finance tool! Starting to think about applying to college, but worried your funds are going to come up short? Our financial aid tool will help you calculate your likely cost of attendance at public and private schools (including not just tuition, but room, board, and other expenses). We'll also tell you what financial aid you qualify for in addition to identifying scholarships that you would specifically be a good match for. 3 Tips for Winning Easy Scholarships Easy scholarships to apply for aren't necessarily the same as easy scholarships to win. Since these scholarship applications are so simpleto complete, you'll probably have a lot of competition. Here are some strategies to help you submit your best applications possible: #1: If you have to write an essay, youââ¬â¢re likely to be more successful if your views align with those of the entity thatââ¬â¢s awarding the scholarship. To prepare, do some research about the company or charity's mission statement. #2: Make sure your application is polished. You wonââ¬â¢t have the opportunity to make more than a first impression (remember, these apps are short and sweet!), so double-check for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. #3: Last but not least, be sure that your application is complete and on time! What's Next? These scholarships are excellent options if you want to churn out as many applications as possible. As you might've noticed, though, the award amounts are a bit underwhelming (though keep in mind that several smaller awards can be just as helpful as one big award!). You'll have to spend more time on your applications if you're gunning for a top scholarship, but the payoff can be more than worth it.To learn more about some of the best scholarships out there, check out our guides to thetop scholarships for high school juniors and seniors. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Greco-Roman Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Greco-Roman Tradition - Essay Example Every hero also has his own personal characteristics that help to make him the kind of person he is, and these are the aspects of the hero that people around him witness and perceive. Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey talks about how Odysseus laments the death of Achilles and wishes for humility and trust within humanity rather than the achievements he had wished for at war. Here it has been explained how a heroââ¬â¢s quality has a necessity towards his life and those of others around him; how he must be able to stand away from the general jibes and finally, how the present culture depicts a part of him. Thus, through this tragedy, Greek Myth-o-poetic tradition has been able to help people understand the kind of idealism heroes must contain. Stoicism on the other hand is an aspect of life that involves a person to withdraw from any kind of frivolities and fun; it is helps a person to retain himself from the pursuit of adventure and happiness that life brings about, and in turn, teaches one t o remain calm and composed despite any kind of circumstance that he may be thrust within. This is very opposite of most Greek tragedies and dramas because they help to portray the vision of a hero with the help of his emotions and feelings.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Race and Your Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Race and Your Community - Essay Example The period of the Great Depression also saw a huge influx of immigrants from different parts of Europe. Italian nationals were seeking refuge from political persecution and poverty and reached the shores of New England with high hopes. But the conditions prevailing at that time was hostile to its new citizens. The domination by the White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASP) at that time was uncontested and overwhelming. Though the Italian American community was technically "white" as well, their status was equal to that of black Americans. The trend persisted the following years, culminating during the Second World War, where Italy was at war with America. The civil rights of many Italian Americans were stripped and many innocent citizens were suspected of espionage and subversion. But my grandfather lived to see a positive transformation of this situation after the Second World War. The post War period saw renewed respect for all ethnic minorities given the fact that a significant percent age of armed forces came from the underclass and minorities. (Alba, 1985) As for our own leaders - their take on the situation was a little ambivalent. While blatant societal injustice caused rightful indignation, a corner of their hearts still felt indebted to this "land of the free" for gracefully embracing and welcoming these new citizens from afar. Such feeling for their adopted land is understandable, as my grandfather recollected the stories of persecution and oppression in his native land. (Alba, 1985) Another influential person in our family was our grandmother. Looking back, she was the last link to our ancestral native land. Not only she could speak fluent Italian, but also render an Opera or two. She was also adept at making marinara and rolling gnocchi. I remember how when I was a toddler, she would sing lullabies in Italian to put me to sleep. Much of my knowledge of Christianity is credited to her passing
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