Thursday, January 30, 2020

Story of mankind Essay Example for Free

Story of mankind Essay Siddhartha is the story of mankind; the continuous search for knowledge and the understanding that what people know, no matter how old, experienced, and knowledgeable they might be, is smaller than what there is to discover and is insufficient to reach the complete comprehension and satisfaction that are, according to the main character of the story, obtainable. In the beginning of his life, and of his journey, he is the son of a Brahmin; a wealthy man who wanted his son to have the best knowledge about everything of life. This fact is evident when we see Siddhartha absorbing all the knowledge that was being passed to him from his teacher and that he was able to discuss the deepest and most important of subjects with the elders; those whom were considered to be the most knowledgeable. â€Å"Joy leapt in his father’s heart for his son who was quick to learn, thirsty for knowledge; he saw him growing up to become a great wise man and priest, a prince among the Brahmans† (Archie, Baggett, Poston, and G. Archie, 2). Siddhartha realizes that his need to know is much higher than anything else; he understood that staying in his village, living the same life as others, would not make him comprehend the essence of life and the meaning of everything. â€Å"Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himself, he found no delight in himself† (Archie, et al. , 3). He felt that his soul would not be in peace if he would not take the right step in the pursuit of knowledge: To become a Samana. What he was aiming at was to be able to free himself from all human weaknesses, such as thirsts, sorrows, pleasures and desires. But even after learning from the Samanas, he found that he was still empty; he needed more than what they offered. He did not want to hear about the various experiences of life, and about the great things to comprehend, he needed to pass through all the experiences himself and to be a part of everything that is there to know and understand. This was the main reason why he decided to take the next step: The step of setting out on a journey, and to become a Saman himself. Meeting Gotama, the Buddha, and learning from him was not enough for Siddhartha, he wanted even more than that, he wanted to reach the absolute knowledge about one’s self, about one’s soul, and about the whole meaning of everything. In this stage, he discovered one of the most significant facts about himself: â€Å"That I know nothing about myself, that Siddhartha has remained thus alien and unknown to me, stems from one cause, a single cause: I was afraid of myself, I was fleeing from myself† (Archie, et al., 36). He left his companion, Govinda, with Gotama, and continued on his journey by himself. The story he lived afterwards with a woman (Kamala) whom he thought that he loved was another step. He became a merchant and started to love money, but then he realized that money, love and the various pleasures he was having were not what he wanted in life. He began, once again, to realize that this is not what made him set on that journey, and that even though he possessed many material things, he really had nothing. From there, he decided to go back to the river, to become a ferryman as he was when he learned everything from Vasuedeva about the river and about the roads and meanings of each step in that direction. He left everything and started again hoping to find the truth and hoping to reach his original objective, which was lost in the midst of pleasures and money. All the previous experiences led him to think of taking his life, but then the sacred word ‘Om’ saved him and put him back in the right path. And with the help of Govinda, he understood what he wanted; he went back, found a wife, and made a family. His son, shortly after his death, set on a journey to find knowledge and to reach the truth. Who is Siddhartha? He is every one of us from the beginning of time. He is every man and woman that walked the earth. He represents all the questions and doubts and suspicions that each individual has about life; his/her life, and the lives of everyone else. He stands for life itself, with its pleasures, pains, and happy moments. He was a Brahmin’s son, a student, a rebel, a Samana, a merchant, and a ferryman, but in the same time, he was none of them and all of them. Because he is the symbol of every living experience that anyone of us can have in his/her life. Siddhartha was simply a human being. Works Cited Archie, L. , Baggett, J. , Poston, B. , and Archie, J. (Eds. ). (2004). Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha. Retrieved October 03, 2006, from the World Wide Web:

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Maturation Of Scout Essay -- essays research papers

In Harper Lee’s novel, â€Å"To Kill A Mocking Bird† we see that maturation of some of the characters is clearly evident, particularly Scouts. We see this by the way she acts in front of Miss Maudie, Calpurnia and Mrs. Alexandra Finch. Beside her father, Scout probably respects and likes the most is Miss Maudie. The two of them have a great relationship and they both love each other very deeply. When Scout first introduces us to Miss Maudie (in chapter 5), she tells us all the nicest things about her. She talks about how much she and Jem trusted Miss Maudie and what a good friend she was. They trusted her because "she never told on them, never played cat-and-mouse with them, and because she was not at all interested in their private lives", (chp. 5, pg. 44-45) unlike most Maycomb people. This is also why Scout respected Miss Maudie so much and why she told her, "Miss Maudie, you are the best lady I know" (pg.45). Miss Maudie always made cakes for Scout, Jem and Dill, and she invited them over to eat them and also to play in her backyard. One summer, Scout spent the whole second half of the summer with Miss Maudie. They sat in the front porch, watched the sunset, talked, took care of Miss Maudie' s garden. That's when Scout became very close to Miss Maudie. Basically, Scout admired Miss Maudie. She was her hero. Calpurnia is a very important character in the novel. Scout has known her her whole life and has basically lived with her, but they weren't that close. Scout never liked Calpurnia very much, mostly because she always complained about her behavior. "She was always ordering her out of the kitchen, asking her why she couldn't behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling her home when she wasn't ready to come. There talking was like battling and one-sided. Calpurina always won, mainly because Atticus always took her side." (pg. 6). Another reason why Scout didn't like Calpurnia is because she made her practice writing. Then, when Scout's teacher in grade one found out that Scout can read and when Scout got in trouble for that, she blamed Calpurnia. At that time, she was too young to understand that Calpurnia only tried to help her and teach her so she would be literate and know more useful things. Even though this seems like a negative relationship and seems as if though it can never get better, the relationsh... ...and teaching her how to be a girl. Scout knows that she won't be able to have all the freedom and fun that she's had up until now and this is why she feels so depressed when she sees her aunt sitting in the front porch. She also knows that Aunt Alexandra may have some bad influence on Scout's and Atticus's relationship because Atticus has a lot of respect for his sister and he never confronted her about anything. Scout is afraid because Atticus always takes his sister's side, it could effect the relationship Scout has with her father and that and this could bring them apart. Throughout the novel, Atticus repeats to Scout an Jem the importance of seeing things from another point of view in order to understand what the other person is feeling. The theme of childhood is also another important one. The story takes place over a period of years, and the reader takes part in the adventure of the child growing up in a small Southern town. To Kill A Mocking Bird is a fascinating story about a young girl who sees the town through her little innocent eyes, this novel is a must for everyone to read because it displays racial tensions that are throughout out the town especially the citizens.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Racism and To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, racism proves to be a major theme. The touchy subject of racism has hung around the world for practically forever and has not ever fully ceased to exist in any society; it has only been toned down over time. Judging people on just the color of their skin, is a huge roll in this book just as it was in the 1900’s when segregation was flooding throughout the United States, as it is shown in the picture on the cover page. Racism mainly occurs towards the end of the book and surrounds the trial of Tom Robinson, a black male accused of raping a white female. However, in chapter 8, Harper Lee explores the theme of racism through the symbol of the snowman that Scout and Jem build. The snowman consists of mud to begin with and Scout comments on it by saying, â€Å"Jem I ain’t never heard of a nigger snowman† (Lee, 72). Scout may not have realized she was doing it, considering that in that time it was common to refer to people of color in this way, but she was using a toned down version of racism by using the offensive word ‘nigger’. Racism tends to occur because people like to stick to cliques, if you will, of others who are more like they are. For example, girls who have pale or slightly tan skin, dress quite similar, and have the same interests or hobbies in common tend to stick to hanging out with one another and form a bias towards people who are not like them. This is what creates the unacceptance of others into social groups. To Kill a Mockingbird is such a successful book because â€Å"Lee’s famous and only novel†¦ [shows] the way things have been, not only in real life, but also in the artistic treatment of the era† (Parker). This statement shows that Lee was just trying to prove the point of what society was like growing up and showing the dislike towards others in a person’s community just because they have a different ethnicity than that of themselves. People are affected everyday by racism and the harsh effects it has on them. It not only affects them mentally, but also emotionally and physically. Many people were beaten, and killed from harsh racism. The only reason racism has come around and still lingers is because people feel the need to make  themselves feel more superior than another human and to make themselves seem like they are of more importance than anyone of a different race than them. It is just like what Atticus tells Scout, â€Å"nigger-lover is just one of those terms that don’t mean anything – like snot-nose. It’s hard to explain – ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody’s favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It’s slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody.† (Lee, 107 – 109). He tells her this when he is giving her a lesson about how Racism works; as he is also teaching this to the audience. He informs us of the power of language and how it gives the person being affected, a feeling of shame. Although Atticus does point out that he, as everyone else should, is fighting for everyone, no matter what race they are, to have equality and feel loved by everyone in society. Racism has always been a malicious disease throughout the world. It exists, as said by one man, because â€Å"At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being† (Hertz). He is stating that many people believe that God made them perfectly and that people of any other race, are screw ups and don’t deserve to be considered equal. This is why it got so out of hand when America was just forming. The whites coming into America would buy, trade, and sell African-American slaves to work on plantations. Many of these slaves were malnourished, lived in poor conditions such as twenty or more people sleeping and living in a small shack, and were treated like animals. A good majority of these slaves died because of the harsh treatment they received all because the whites who â€Å"owned† them did not believe that they could be considered humans or deserved to have the same privileges and rights that they did in that time period. Thankfully, it has toned down from that, but there are still random outbursts of racism throughout the country and world. It will not go away until people learn that every single person on this planet is a human being and that being of a different ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation does not matter. To Kill a Mockingbird is an amazing book to see the full view of how racism affected those in one’s society as they were growing up. It also makes a  person realize how much of a big difference it can make in a human’s life being treated so poorly by others based solely off of the color of their skin. It brought the subject out in communities when people read the book and many finally realized what impact this had on everyone. Harper Lee’s message was spread and is still continuing to be spread today when students, teachers, and anyone else read the book. Although not everyone will take into consideration what it could do to a person when you make them feel guilty about being a different race, this book helps to remind them and engrains the message into their brain forever. Bibliography Hertz, Friedrich O. â€Å"Racism Quotes.† Web. 5 Dec. 2012 Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1960. Print. Parker, Kathleen. â€Å"‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Exposed Racism.† Newsmax. Newsmax, 12 July 2010. Web. <> 5 Dec. 2012.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The flexible compensation plans for part time employees - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 20 Words: 5855 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION This study investigates the flexible compensation plans for part-time employees. There is a need for flexible compensation plans in the present day scenario because a rapid change is taking place both in the work environment and in the workforce. Workers and organizations in the modern business environment, and in the industrialized nations face many challenges including, but not limited to, an unstable economic environment, the recent economic slump, a generally slow rate of growth, an increase in outsourcing, more regulations, and a decrease in workers benefits. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The flexible compensation plans for part time employees" essay for you Create order Although organizations resist change, they must deal with challenges. Change is inevitable, and it is good for most businesses to make their organizations more dynamic, profitable, and efficient. This would lead the business to adopt a new approach, endorse innovations. And trends, to accept new opportunities even, when the economic situation is shocking. One of the best solutions possible to manage change effectively is the flexible compensation plan. This plan would help the business in reducing turnover, tardiness, and absenteeism. Researchers have indicated that the flexible compensation plan for part-time workers would lead to an increase in the productivity. It would also improve the employees loyalty to the company, their job satisfaction of the workers, and customer satisfaction. The majority of the employees working with an organization are paid in benefits, and financial rewards. It is important that these meet the employees needs. No interviews will be co nducted with part-time employees relating to the subject matter. Hence, the researcher will rely upon the secondary data that is available to complete the research. Background Flexible compensation plans permit employees to choose from many alternatives in deciding how their compensation will be allocated. Such plans also help in determining the compensation package that best satisfies the employees particular needs. Traditionally, a large percent of college students and housewives with children prefer part-time employment. For these groups, flexible compensation plans are not a major concern to them. Part-time work adds many highly qualified individuals to the labor market. At the same time, their personal needs will need to be addressed. Studies have shown that flexible compensation plans have proved to be successful and the outcomes are positive. The concept of a flexible compensation plan is to provide for flexibility in the number of hours worked, in addition to fri nge benefits. The Human Resource Department (HRD) lays the framework for a specific set of compensation benefits, accruing for the workers during their employment at U.S organizations. . Therefore, flexible compensation has been introduced to an increasing number of American organizations. The crucial concept of flexible compensation is that the employee can consider different choices, and the organization can provide a package that meets each workers needs. American companies have traditionally allowed a limited number of one or two forms of flexible benefits to offer to their employees. Organizations often avoid these benefits due to the enormous amount of costs associated with them. Problem Statement Companies in the United States are exploring the adoption of the flexible compensation plan for part-time workers. Thus, it has become necessary to analyze the key factors in determining the costs as well as the strategies for implementation. Purpose Of Study The purpo se of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of flexible compensation, particularly for part-time workers. This paper will illustrate the importance of such benefits and weigh these against the costs associated with the compensation plans. Research Questions 1-Why is it beneficial for corporations to have a flexible compensation plan? 2-What are some advantages of part-time workers? 3-What type of total compensation, it should companies have in place? Definitions Compensation: Most part-time workers are paid on an hourly basis and are not entitled to company benefits, such as extended vacations, company pension and profit-sharing plans, health insurance, and other benefits Eligible benefits: To qualify as a flexible compensation plan, the plan must restrict the employees choice of benefits to certain statutory, non-taxable benefits and cash: Cash Taxable group-term life insurance in excess of $50,000 Group-term insurance to $50,000 Reimburseme nt for qualifying medical expenses Payment of health insurance premiums for employee or dependents (including premiums for personal dental insurance) Qualifying dependent child-care services Vacation days which cannot be refunded for cash Contributions to 401 (k) plans Equal pay provisions: The equal pay provisions of FLSA prohibit gender-based wage differentials between men and women employed in the same establishment who perform jobs that require equal skill, effort, and responsibility and which are performed under similar working conditions. The Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) enforces these provisions, as well as other statutes prohibiting discrimination in employment. More detailed information is available from the EOCs offices which are listed in most telephone directories under U.S. Government. Flexible compensation plans: As defined in IRS Section 125, a flexible compensation plan means a written plan under which all participants are employees, and the p articipants have the choice among two or more benefits. The benefits which may be chosen must be certain statutory, non-taxable benefits pursuant to the 1984 Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) and cash. The term flexible compensation plan does not include any plan which provides for deferred compensation. This, however, does not apply in the case of a profit-sharing or stock bonus plan which includes a qualified cash or deferred arrangement (as defined in Section 401 (k) (2) to the extent of amounts which a covered employee may elect to have the employer pay as contributions to a trust under such a plan on behalf of the employee. Flexi Time: Flexi time represents different start and end times of a standard day around core hours either on a regular basis or adjusted daily. Part Time: Part time means working for less than the time scheduled for full-time wherein pay and benefits would be commensurate to the work done. According to the US Department of Labor (DOL), about 32 million p eople who are working in industries other than the agricultural industries are working part time. While 37% of the people prefer to work full time, the remaining 63% of the people work according to flexible time Phased retirement: Phases retirement means working part-time or stepping down to less responsibility in preparation for retirement. Limitations: Time constraint is one important limitation during the course of the study. Due to the limitation of time, the study could not be done in much detail. The available data on the flexible benefits for part-time workers is also limited. There is a need to further research the costs associated with the benefits and the implementation CHAPTER II LITURTURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION Employees benefits plan The literature are taken from the experts in the field who written, interviewed by academic magazines and internet sites. Thus, the experts have provided their concert thought and analysis on the benefits and costs of flex ible compensation, the advatages, and the practice for providing compensation plan in the workplace. In this chapter, the researcher will cite the sources, highlits and describe the cafeteria plan, flexible spending account, and the significant of workers compensation. Flexible compensation plan is one of the values that providing to the employees, and give them the option to choose what fit for their needs, also is good opportunity for both employers and employees to reduce the tax bill. Organization provides numerous benefits to their workers and there is increasing concern about the cost and the benefits, particularly among part-time workers. According to (Karla Maschmeir 2006), American employers (private and public), spent $ 596.5 billions on health benefits, in 2005. Thus, companies offering fringe benefits that would incentive employees by providing such a good opportunity helping them to handle their conflict between work and other personals obligations nee d to be done during the work hours. (Langdon, 2009). These are several types of flexible benefits plan, including cafeteria plans and flexible spending accounts. The researcher have defined the cafeteria plans in chapter one. Here is the flexible spending account (FSA), is a tax-deferred saving account established by an organization to help workers meet certain medical and dependent care expenses that are not covered under the workers insurance plan it allows workers to contribute pre-tax dollars to an account set by their employers, they can later withdraw these funds tax-free to pay for qualify health insurance premiums, out-of-pocket medical costs, day care provider fees, or private pre-school and kindergarten expenses. The types of flexible spending accounts are: Premium just plans, which allow employees to set aside funds to pay medical and life insurance premiums. Unreimbursed medical expenses a plan, which allows employees to set aside money for projected healt h care expenses not covered by insurance, Dependent care reimbursement plan, that allow to the employees to put side money for day care dependent children. Worker must show legal documents for the expenses in order to be qualifying for reimbursement from these accounts. Why introduce flexible benefits? Many organizations are practicing family-programs to assist workers to accommodate their personal lives with work responsibilities, by offering flexible benefits plan such as family leave, child care support and telecommunicating, in order to enhance retention and keeping good people (HomeGriffet 2005). A survey was conducted by Hewitt (Human Resources Consulting and Outsourcing), the survey indicated that approximately 75 percent of the companies have been questioned, their respondent as follows: companies offered medical health benefits to their employees who works 30 hours or more per week.Additionly, the survey revealed that only 25 percent offered medical benefits to par t -time workers, who works less than 20 hours weekly. According to the BLS U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic (2005), there are 18.3% of the workforce in the U.S were of part-time workers. Human resources professionals and part-timer workers understand the value of the flexible compensation plan. Most organization provides some kind of benefits, where the smellers firms are unable to provide as much as the larger firms (Jason Taylor 2007). Recent studies released by Hewitt Associate in Lincolnshire, Illinois, found that employers are offering more benefits to part-time workers recently than previously, above 80% they provide vacation, holiday, and sick leave benefits, there are over than 70% offering health care benefits. (HR magazine v.45.p56-62) Most business relay on part-time workers, those businesses recognizes the value of their contribution to the strategy and business success. In the short term, organizations obviously benefits from sharing costs with workers. But an organization may also choose to cap its future contributions to benefits by passing along increased costs to workers through these plans. (Hewitt). Some of advantages of flexible benefits schemes are: Employers provide benefits at a defined cost which is fixed regardless of the choice those workers make; allowing them to cap future benefits costs. Hence, workers have a true ideas of the full worth of the benefits package and gives them a sense of control and involvement. In addition, to the above advantages, it can retain valued workes, for examples, during period of change (including merger and acquisition); flexible benefits can help to harmonies rewards as well. Employees turnover is one of the most important issues that most employers have to deal with constantly. That is valued workers in the workforce to demonstrate the issue.52 percent of companies in national survey shows how the turnover has been escalated in recent years, (Wilson, 2000). A survey of resignatio n rates conducted by the Saratoga Institute reveals that on average the organization will have to replace one seventh of their workers. Also, researchers consistently believe that competitive pay and provide benefits are the major factors to attract and maintain talent workers, (Rodger W.Griffen/Peter W.Home). Another factor is that the last decades, the participating of women in the labor force U.S labor force has increased by approximately 50 percent. Thus, married couple and their dependents have lead to additional demand on compensation benefits to meet their families needs, (Questa media America, 2010). Furthermore, the issue related to workers compensation is related to the increased number of U.S companies of hiring part-time workers, and required of them to work initially 1,000 hours(approxmatly-forur month) prior to their enrollment in the cafeteria plan,( Karal.Maschmeir,2006). If the flexible compensation is implemented in the workplace, it would protect the empl oyees from a high tax liability, it gives them the opportunity for salary reduction option, and can be used to reimbursement expenses (deductible insurance), (R.G.penner, 2003). Occasions where terminating the benefits after payments has commanced.In certain extreme cases, the organization may call the workers back to work even the employee is not completely recovered fro the injury. In such situation, an injured individual need to appoint an attorney against the illegal and immoral organization, in order to protect his/her rights. Workers Compensation and occupational injuries Moreover, the health care costs have increased rapidly due to the fact that many workers remained uninformed about their rights to benefits for injuries that occurred at work. It is obligation on the part of the organization to inform the workers about the potential hazard at the workplace. The importance of workers compensation for Michigan workers will be described and analyzed. Historical ly, the concept of workers compensation was introduced in Germany in 1856, and adopted by England as well as in most Western Europe, and ratified in Michigan State in 1912. Today, it is mandatory that every employer in Michigan must provide workers compensation in accordance with Michigan State law, ( A survey was conducted by Michigan State University, and W.E Institute for the Employment Research, were involved 5568 employees from 29 different industries on injury prevention and loss control. The result revealed a lower claim by workers who paid attention to safety guide-line and prevention. (Michigan Business Guide to workers Compensation). It has been emphasizing that workers must understand the following regarding the workers compensation as to what, workers compensation does provide and wont provide: Workers compensation does provide these are: Protection from job loss due to work related injury. Protection from leaving without income whi le off work related to injury. Proper medication care to help workers covered as quickly as possible. Workers compensation wont as stated below: Fully replace company wages while off work. Act as a comprehensive medical insurance (only medical cost related to injury/illness). Furthermore, Michigan has one of the strongest workers compensation in the nation. For instance, an injured worker in Michigan is entitled to receive 80 percent of the after tax value wages loss. The calculation of 80 percent is of independents, based on tax filling stautas, number of dependents, and tax rate at both State and Federal levels, the value of benefits would be reduced at the rate of 5 percent annually until be worker reach 65 of age. Numbers of occupational injured and illness by industry and case types for 2008 are described in the table below: Table (1) Industry Total recordable cases Cases with days a way from work or restriction All industries including state lo cal government 146 72 Private industry 124 61 Good producing 44.5 22 Construction 23 6 Building equipment contractors 15 19 Manufacturing 37 18 Metal working Machine 10 7 Service-providing 80 41 Source: (www. According to the BLS there were 1,350,82 occupational injures and illness reported in the U.S in 2008, and that 80 percent of the injuries occurred in private industry in which,15% occurred in local government also, 5% in State. See chart below: Cafeteria plans: The type of flexible benefits plan is called cafeteria plan which enables workers to choose between receiving part or all on workers nontaxable benefit, receiving cash or other taxable benefits such as stock. According to the Federal Act of 1978, organizations may offer a list of benefits except tuition assistance. Thus, workers may choose to buy benefits from a list of options as described below: Dental insurance, vision care, life insurance long and short term disability as well. The IRS has set up a number of restrictions on flexible benefits plan. For example, workers are unable to roll over unused credits or benefits to the next plan year, organization need to be sure that no more than 25 percent of the tax-favored benefits go to highly compensate workers.( compensated workers are those who have greater than 1% of ownership in the firm and over $150,000),www.refrence business .com). The Internal Revenue Service(IRS) issued guidance regarding the exclusion of part-time,temporary,seasonal and project employees under certain qualifications plan, including 401(K)s plan, that exclude part-time and others non full-time workers. For example, the maximum service is one year require being qualified for participate in 401(K) s plan. The IRS will not challenge an exclusion classification that is defined without indication a certain hours of work, ( Total costs associated with compensa tion benefits. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) conducted its annual survey to gather information on the types of benefits offer to their workers. The data indicted that American organization spent about 20% of workers annual salary on benefits such as workers compensation and social security, spent 19% on medical plan, dental, prescription coverage, vision, and survivor benefits, also,11% for time not worked benefits (such as vacation, holiday, personal and sick leave), as shown in table (2) Table (2) (Average Percentage of Payroll Reflecting Total cost of Benefits) Types of Benefits Over all Small (1-99) employees Medium (100-499) employees Large (500-or more employees) Differences Based on Staff size Mandatory benefits 20% 20% 21% 20% Not available Voluntary Benefits 19% 15% 21% 21% Large, medium small Pay for not worked benefits 11% 11% 10% 11% Not available Employee Benefits: A survey Report by SHRM (2009) According, to the (BLS), that indicated there is increase in total compensation benefits for employees, which is increased about 0.5 percent by season, and adjusted from March, through June, 2010.The compensations rose approximately by 1.8 percent, and benefits costs rose 2.5 percent. It is worth noting that, municipal government provides part-time workers benefits at a lower cost than full-time employees. (Robert, G.E.2003). According to Susan Chambers, Wal-Mart vice presedent,the version of the health care plan will cost $23 monthly plus $15 for the workers children regardless the size for the family, these costs are applied to Wal-Mart associate,(full and part time), (Sheldon M. Geller, 2007). The important of providing the basic cafeteria plans have been challenged for more than a decade ago, but the recent recession and financial crisis have made saving to the U.S organization are more crucial(reduce cost). At this point, the most important approach to deal with benefits costs are long-term cost-saving strategies, health education program to keep health care cost down, and increase premium cost of by working, (raising it from 10 percent to 20 percent over three-years period), the establishment of an accounts that can be used to pay for medical expenses now, and after retirement, (Institute of Management and Adminstration, Feb 2009).The costs of group per full- time workers are overwhelming. The data on the group insurance costs per full time unionized workers are described below. Table (3) shows the group insurance costs annually and per hours for workers (bargaining units). Table (3) Average Cost Per FTE Union shop) Bargaining Unit Cost Per Year Cost Per Hour Safety Regulatory $13,114 $6.28 Labor Trades $13,514 $6.47 Security $13,959 $6.69 Human Services Support $11,238 $5.38 Scientific Engineering $13,765 $6.59 Technical $13,171 $6.31 Institutional $12,223 $5.85 Human Services $12,367 $5.92 Administrative Support $11,847 $5.67 State Police Enlisted  $17,694 $8.47SUMMARY In summary, the literature provides substantial data to support the need and effectiveness of flexible compensation plans. The information provided shows that there is need to provide cafeteria plan and other flexible compensation benefits. Flexible benefits in the present day situation have not only become very popular among the workers, but they also help the organization as whole in delivering best flexible compensation plans structures, and controlling the costs. More important, the literature revealed the complexity and the dynamics underlying the flexible benefits, concerns are most clearly expressed on the costs, the cafeteria plan, and the workers compensation. Both the workers and employers are searching for strategies within this context. Precisely, the U.S organizations provide numerous benefits to their workers. To maintain talent and skilled employees on one hand, on the other hand, there is increasing concern about the costs and ben efits. Over the last ten years, the labor participation rate has increased considerably.Consequentlly; organizations would like to attract skilled and talented workers for the business success. It appears that a key benefit to all workers is the workers compensation due to the number of injuries and illness in the past two years. More importantly, American companies spent 20% of workers annual salary on benefits, 19% on social security and 11% for vacation and sick leave. Today, there are several approaches, to deal with costs that associated with the flexible compensation. These are: Long-term startegeis, wellness plan, and increase premium costs sharing by worker, and the creation of accounts that are to be used for medical costs at present and after retirements. CHAPTER III Problem Restatement Over the years the Organization Theorists have been arguing that the economic models are too limited and that the non economic factors play a significant role in influenci ng the managerial compensation process in a critical manner (Baron, Cook, 2002). Consequently, the researchers have come up with an idea to that contains various other alternatives so as to describe the aspect of compensation which particularly emphasizes on the sociological aspects like the relationship between the internal labor market and social stratification (Baron Cook, 2002), the impact of the possession and supervision of the external parties on the compensation plans, (Finkelstein Hambrick, 2001), the managerial power and the impact of society and ,the social comparison theory. (Allen, 1991) All that on effort to identify the capability of new and unique compensation strategies adopted, by the organizations in the United States for part time workers. At this juncture, there is a need to know the basis of compensation plans, the level of motivation and commitment among the employees, and the level of satisfaction that derive from such compensations. Sample and Popul ation If the study is done using a survey or questionnaire method, the Slovins formula, (statistic technique) would better suit the study for determining the sample from the population. The study is completely based on secondary sources, and there is no use of Slovins formula. Thus, the researcher will focus on flexible compensation plans in manufacturing organizations in general, and in the state of Michigan in particular. Therefore, the population of the study would comprise the manufacturing organizations in the United States, while sample would be the manufacturing sector in Michigan. Data collection Data collection will be limited in scope to facilities the different between the early study and the data that is available to the researcher. The secondary data has been collected from various literature and initial work. These data will be analyzed and compared without defending or denying its contents and result. Hence, the major source of the secondary data is the liter ature review in this study. Thus, the main consideration that will be emphasized is the issues related to flexible compensation at the private sector of manufacturing particularly in the state of Michigan. Variables and Measures Two types of variables have been taken into consideration for the purpose of the study. They are the dependent variables and the independent variables. The independent variables are organization culture, society and personality of the employees. The independent variable that is taken into consideration is the flexible compensation plan. Thus, through the study we will be able to reveals how the flexible compensation plan would have an influence on the organization culture, society and the personality of the employees. Culture, society, and the employees personality. Figure 2: Dependent and Independent Variable Definition Chart Data Analysis Methodology Part of the research that is documented in this paper has taken into consideration the qu alitative research methods. (Creswell, 1994). While collection the data the choice and design of methods have been occasionally changed analyzed this would allow the study to examine the significant issues and recommend alternatives to eliminate the unproductive areas of research from the initial research proposal. Again, the objective of the research is to analyze the qualitative data, the variables involved with the Flexible compensation, evaluation of different situations of a particular variable for a specific time period. Thus, descriptive research are used that will build networks and explains the association of one variable with another variables (The relationship between dependent and independent variables). Furthermore, the qualitative research is multi-method in nature which involves an elucidative and innate approach to the subject matter (Creswell, 1994). It can be said that the study is done taking into consideration the natural and inherent settings, thereby maki ng an effort to understand and decipher or evaluate and interpret the incident or event in relation to flexible compensation issues. Therefore, conducting a qualitative research would take the researchers to organize and arrange a number of unified and consistent methods in order to better understanding as well as provides awareness of the subject matter. Hypothesis The level of employee performance and satisfaction through the flexible compensation plan will be positively related to the level of reward contingency that employees experience in the plan. The level of satisfaction and performance of the employees with regards to the flexible compensation will be related in a positive manner to the level of involvement of the employees in the plan. Inadequate flexible compensation with an organization, consequently, employees will leave the workplace. CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS The data in this chapter will focus on the standard fringe benefits that Michigan worke rs received from their employers, the group insurance costs per full time unionized workers, and the data relegated occupational injuries and illness in the U.S and Michigan as well. Michigan workers can receive only certain specified or standard fringe benefits. For example: Defined contribution 15.40%,defined benefits retirement 30.125,unemployment insurance 0.15%,workers compensation 1.28%,and FICA 7.65%.: ( The group insurance costs per full time unionized workers as described in table below(TABLE 1) Average Cost Per FTE Union shop) Bargaining Unit Cost Per Year Cost Per Hour Safety Regulatory $13,114 $6.28 Labor Trades $13,514 $6.47 Security $13,959 $6.69 Human Services Support $11,238 $5.38 Scientific Engineering $13,765 $6.59 Technical $13,171 $6.31 Institutional $12,223 $5.85 Human Services $12,367 $5.92 Administrative Support $11,847 $5.67 State Police Enlisted $17,694 $8.47Source: The numbers and cases of injuries and illness in the year 2008, indicates the importance of workers compensation to protect workers from job loss, and receiving proper medical care to help workers recovered. For example, there were 1,350,82 occupational injuries and illness reported in the U.S in which 80% of injuries occurred in the private sector and 15 percent occurred in local government and 5percent occurred in the state government. Workers compensation and benefits Historically, the concept of workmens compensation was introduced in Germany 1856, adopted by England and most Western Europe, and was ratified in Michigan on 1912. (Prior to that year, there were no workers compensation benefit and rules). That is, any worker who has injured at work will take an action to protect his or her well-being (e.g. civil/tort action). It was required that the injured worker has to prove evidence by placing negligence on work place. Indeed; it was difficult on both side and time consuming. Today, private and public workers (Full-time or part-time) all covered by the Federal government law. Hence, it is mandatory that every employer in Michigan to provide workers compensation according to the law, failure to provide workmens compensation to the workers in the case of injury would be subject to sever punishment plus civil damages and payment of a huge amount of money to the injured individual. According to the Michigan compensation benefits plan, every employer that employs three or more workers, for 35 hours or more pe r week for a period of 13 weeks or more, then such employer must provide insurance coverage (mandatory). The term workers compensation means an insurance system that benefits workers and organization. .Finding The benefits are two folds: Benefits to workers who have suffered any kind of injury or illness during employment with the firm. Safeguard the organization against costly litigation over claims related to injuries or illness. At this juncture, Michigan has one of the strongest workers compensation in the nation. It includes proper and adequate medical treatment, replacement of income loss, vocational rehabilitation. Every worker in Michigan is entitled receive to 80% of the after tax value wage loss, which is based on medical repot. Hence, the calculation of 80% of loss wages is taking into consideration the following factors: tax filling status, number of dependents, and tax rates at both the State and Federal levels. According to Michigan law, the eas iest method of calculation an average weeks wage is the highest of 39 weeks out of 52 weeks from the previous year prior to the injury. The value of benefits would be reduced at the rate of 5% annually until the worker reach 65 of age. No worker is entitled to receive benefits greater than 90% regardless of the earnings, and if a worker happened to die on the job, then his or her legal heirs is entitled to receive benefits equal to 50 percent of the state average weekly wage. Characteristics of employees benefits. Summary Research shows that flexible compensation benefits are the most important factors in determine job satisfaction; this satisfaction is directly related to worker retention and productivity. These flexible benefits are vital to part-time workers (i.e. pension plan, healthy insurance, holiday, vacation payment, etc). Furthermore, part-time workers understand that the key factors in job satisfaction are: Benefits package are simple -to-use enrollment technology. Cost-effective and an attractive. Workers are to select the benefit they need to protect their lifestyle and families. Data on the basic expenditure the organizations have on benefits are: 20% annually, 19% voluntary benefits and 11% expenditure on pay for time not worked. Hence, the total percent of costs are very high as result over 60% of U.S organization planning to reduce workers benefits .Furthermore; American organizations are looking for ways to manage costs. The challenges are the escalating expenses of employee benefits, and slow growth of the U.S recession and the financial problems. Here in the U.S for example, there are 30 millions people working part-time would like to receive benefits, and 4.2 million part-time workers (either wanted to work full-time and could not find suitable full-time work or worked fewer hours of a temporary slack in consumer demand). The figures above about the last groups, revealed there are partially UN employed a nd partially, but by counting them as fully employed per BLS say critics, the BLS data understate the unemployment rate. CHAPTER V RECOMMENDATION The issue of flexible compensation for part-time workers has become ripe for debate. Policy makers, firms, and workers have covered both sides of the controversy. The flexible compensation plan is necessary to all part-time workers to meet their immediate needs, provide incentives, and establish loyalty to their employers. Workers will be able to carefully select alternative options that will meet their needs. One such alternative option is the concept of the cafeteria style. Cafeteria style is defined as a flexible benefits plan incentive system in which employees can select the fringe benefits from a menu of available alternatives. The flexible compensation plan has two parts: (a) the bias and (b) optional benefits. Prior to 1996, there was a feeling and doubt in regards to the legality of the flexible benefits plan, but with 1986 tax reform, the doubt has been erased completely. Today, 22 percent of U.S. firms have a flexible benefits plan for U.S. workers. The study revealed that flexible compensation will attract workers to the firms and improve productivity, the quality and the quantity of the labor force. The importance of a flexible compensation plan cannot be overstated. If a worker is partially or fully injured at work, the firm is supposed to pay 80% after-tax wages lost. With these benefits, however, workers have lost wages and potential advancement. On the other hand, the amount of loss without a flexible plan is unimaginable. Michigan law states that a person who is either injured totally or partially would receive the same benefits regardless of the seriousness of the injuries. In the past, Michigan spent less on compensation payments for injured workers. Today, the State of Michigan is increasing its spending on medical claims due to injuries and on its cash benefits for injuries. The overall cost of workers compensation benefits has increased, not as a result of an increase in the number of claims, but due to an increase in the cost of health care. Here, for the sake of the firm as well as the workers, the firm should arrange for vocational rehabilitation and training programs. These programs would help firms to reduce medical costs and to prevent future injury. Every organization has to face part-time workers demands for having benefits that cover their dependents. At this juncture, workers request comprehensive information on the benefits that are fair, reasonable, and impartial. Their request will generate a response and the costs are the major concerns. Further, if the response is positive, workers see it as the path of success; in most cases, firms will say that every person is a winner. The State of Michigan adopted the flexible benefits plan for the part-time workers. However, many workers do not understand the full meaning of the p lan. They question the plans potential benefits, asking what is in it for the part-time workers. Furthermore, the workers must understand this adoption. To achieve clarity, theorists believe that Michigans manufacturing firms should ensure the delivery of the following: A. manufacturing firms should inform the part-time workers of the availability of the flexible benefits and constantly remind them about the coverage. B. Manufacturing firms should ensure and help part-time workers, not by giving information, but by following up on something and explain thoroughly. C- Manufacturing personnel are responsible for building trust between the firm and the part-time workers. D- Manufacturing firms persuade the part-time workers to join the flexible benefits and the advantages. Recent reports have shown that Michigan has a number of organizations, including the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector adopted variable pay, or the pay for performance system. The logic behind it is that most organizations would like every worker in the organization to think performance. This logic would motivate the part-time workers to increase productivity and competition. It would eventually lead to a steady workplace with a maximum output; consequently, the part-time workers would have a high morale. More importantly, the research questions have been answered and analyzed throughout chapter four. Recommendation For Future Research In conclusion, the flexible compensation plan for part-time workers would have considerable value for the workers. It would increase their productivity, hence, generating tangible benefits to the firms, retention, tax deduction, and retirements. Significantly, the national unemployment rate is 9.8%, while the unemployment in Michigan is the highest in the nation. This situation makes it difficult for Michigan firms to offer flexible plans to all part-time workers. That is, the supply of workers in the manufacturing sector e xceeds the available funds for providing benefits, and this is one of the major factors of economic stagnation and recession. Thus, the unemployment rate in Michigan is 13.4 percent (higher than the nation average), many workers are struggling and often facing foreclosure, and the prospect of creating new jobs is at the lowest levels. Limitation and the current economic situation are likely to keep Michigan manufacturing firms high on the agenda of the policymakers in the near future. Significantly, much data exists on the importance of workers compensation due to cases of injury and illness. Unfortunately, data on the flexible benefits plans for part-time workers is limited. Therefore, there is a need for further research on the conditions and costs associated with the benefits plan.